V Card Sweetheart (Sweetheart Colorado)
V Card Sweetheart
Sweetheart, Colorado
Hope Ford
Free Books
1. Jane
2. Jane
3. Dutton
4. Dutton
5. Dutton
6. Dutton
7. Dutton
8. Dutton
9. Jane
10. Dutton
11. Dutton
Sweetheart Colorado
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About the Author
V Card © 2021 by Hope Ford
Editor: Kasi Alexander
Cover Design: Cormar Covers
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
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He’s still doing it.
Staring at me, watching my every move like he’s waiting for me to break out in song or dance. He has no idea what his gaze is doing to me. I’ve already almost dropped two trays of food since he got here just an hour ago.
His name is Dutton. Dutton Cole. He owns his own company, Dutton Trucking, but from what I can tell, he drives a truck as well. He came through Sweetheart, Colorado around six months ago. I can still remember the first time I saw him. He had to be the biggest, gruffest man I’d ever met. He has tattoos down one arm, and every time I see them it makes me wonder where else he has tattoos. His hair is a dark brown and a little shaggy on top, but short on the sides and back. And his eyes. Goodnight, his eyes. They’re a dark blue and I swear when he looks at you it’s like he’s looking into your soul. He’s like no one I’ve ever met before. Which is saying something considering where I work. Being a waitress at The Stop, a truck stop diner, I see a little bit of everything in here. I figured he was just passing through and I probably would never see him again. But now, it’s like he’s in here all the time.
The first few times he didn’t say anything to me, he would just sit and look at me, watching me work.
Even though he never said much, I would see him talking to Alice, the manager of The Stop. She’s been here ever since I started working here back in high school. But she has a way of making anyone talk. She’s quicker to be up in a person’s business than the town gossip.
The third time he came in, he talked to me. His voice was deep and thick, and I was so stunned by the sound of it, I swear I remember sliding my thighs together to feel the friction there. Alice had asked me to take over his table, and even though I was unsure about it, she assured me it would be fine.
I carried the plate of apple pie and set it down in front of him. “Can I get you anything else?”
He stared up at me, and I swear I started thinking of all the things I wished he would ask me for. A date. Join him for dinner. Or go home with him. If he had said any of those things, I would have immediately said yes. I’m drawn to him. I don’t know why or how to exactly explain it, but there’s something about him.
He pointed his fork at the pie. “You make this?”
It was then I rubbed my thighs together. His voice made me think of sex. Dirty, sweaty, take what I want sex. Which just my brain going there is a huge feat. I swear I’m the last twenty-two-year-old virgin in Sweetheart.
“Yes,” I croaked, and then cleared my throat. “I made it.”
He took a bite, and I watched as his lips wrapped around the fork. I was holding the tray in front of me as if I was hiding behind it. Could he smell my desire? Were my hard nipples pressing against my shirt? All these thoughts went through my head and my knuckles turned white on the wooden tray when he moaned.
I bit my lip so I didn’t moan with him. Oh my God, I have to get out of here. Get some fresh air. Heck, maybe go out back and smoke a cigarette even though I don’t smoke.
“This is the best I ever had.”
His eyes found mine again, and I smiled at him. I could feel my face heat the longer he looked at me. “Thank you.”
Ever since that day, when he comes in, he sits in my section. I’ve gotten to know him a little. I know he’s thirty-two, and even though he has always loved driving a truck across country, lately he’s thought about settling down.
He eats a slice of pie, sometimes two, every time he comes in and always praises my baking skills.
He watches me nonstop, and I swear when he’s in there, it’s like he controls the mood in the restaurant. I’m used to being hit on, even though I’m as plain as can be. But when he’s here, I swear I’ve caught him dirty looking the other truckers. They seem to take his silent threats to heart, because they tell me “yes ma’am” and “please” as I work. And each time they do, I look at Dutton, and he gives a little nod, like he approves.
I always think he’s going to ask me out. I mean, I know I’m not much to look at. I’m overweight, with mousy brown hair that’s always in a ponytail. I hardly ever wear makeup, and I’ve learned since working at The Stop that I wear my clothes a size too big to hide my large chest. I never was one to enjoy attention, but from Dutton, I think I would like it. But I’m not holding my breath. It’s been months now since he started coming in, and even though it’s obvious he likes me in a friendly way, he’s not going to ask me out. I refuse to get my hopes up.
My girl has a big heart. I know I shouldn’t be thinking like this, but I can’t stop myself. She’s definitely my girl. She just doesn’t know it yet. The first time I saw her, I got the scoop from Alice. Alice, being her brassy protective self, told me to forget it, Jane was off limits. I can see now why Alice is so protective of her. I’ve learned a lot the last few months. Jane is twenty-two and has been working at The Stop since she was in high school. She has no family and no relatives left in Sweetheart. She has a few friends, but it’s obvious by the way she carries herself that she doesn’t realize how naturally beautiful she is.
It took me a month to make Alice realize my intentions were admirable. Jane may not have family, but it’s obvious that Alice has pretty much adopted her as her own. It may have taken awhile for Alice to trust me, but I was willing to be patient. The whole time I was trying to prove myself to Alice, I was trying to get to know Jane. She’s quiet and timid when I’m around, but I am willing to move slow. I know if I pushed, it would have only scared her off.
“Miss Jane, you really don’t have to do this,” the man says, drawing me from my thoughts.
I look up, and Jane is making a fuss over an older gentleman in the corner booth. I try to hide my smile, but I can’t. Jane has made it her personal mission to help the homeless in Sweetheart. It’s a small mountain town, so there’s not a lot, but the few they do have, Jane wants to help.
I sit and watch. I’ve already scared off the men from the area that are up to no good. The ones that wanted to panhandle for money to get their next fix. I moved them across town, away from The Stop and my Jane. But I talked to Sam and got to know him on all of my many stops here. I know that Sam is a good guy. He’s a veteran with no family, and through a few mistakes in his past he’s now homeless. But he’s a good guy, and it’s obvious he’s enjoying the fact that Jane is worrying over him.
Jane’s sweet voice is almost cooing to the old man. “You know you like my apple pie, Sam. How can I let you leave without my apple pie? And don’t you worry. It’s on me.”
Sam looks as if he’s going to turn her down, but he looks up at
Jane and his face automatically softens. “I do love your apple pie,” he tells her, and my heart races in my chest as Jane turns away from Sam with the biggest smile on her face. She looks at me and stops, staring at me across the room. I want to get up and hug her, tell her how much I love her apple pie if that’s what it takes to put a smile on her face like that. But I don’t. I sit here in the hard booth and stare at her as she walks back toward the kitchen.
When I’m to the point where I have to leave or my load is going to be late, I leave money on the table. Extra money because I hate that Jane seems to go without and lives paycheck to paycheck. She seems happy, but I want her to have any and everything her heart desires. Soon, Dutton. Soon you’re going to make it happen, I tell myself.
I walk up to the counter where Alice is standing. “I’m leaving, Alice. Call me…”
She holds her hand up. “I know. Call you if Jane needs anything.”
I nod my head, wanting to say more, but it’s the same conversation I have with her every time I leave. “You still have my number?”
She puts her hands on her hip. “Yeah, what do you think, I deleted it after you gave it to me the last twenty times? I got it. I’ll call you if she needs you, but Dutton, you have to know…”
My heart starts to race. “Know what?”
I turn back to the restaurant where Jane is wiping off a table. She’s bent over running a rag over the top, and I don’t want to look away from her, but I’m curious what Alice is going to say.
“Eventually, one of these guys is going to ask her out, and she’s going to say yes. You need to make your move before it’s too late.”
I run my hand through my hair in frustration. I hate to think of her with someone else. I’m putting it all into motion, trying to fix it so that I can stay in Sweetheart, and I’m almost there. I put my wallet in my back pocket. “I know. Soon, Alice.”
She looks as if she’s going to say something else, but clamps her lips together tightly, nodding her head. It took what seemed like forever to convince Alice that my intentions toward Jane were good. Fortunately, she seems to be on my side now.
I look back toward Jane, and she’s looking at me. Even from here I can see the wistful look on her face. I wish I could walk up to her and take her in my arms right now. But I can’t. I know once I do, I won’t be able to let her go. I know that. But soon, she’s going to be mine. Very soon.
I grab my apron off the hook on the wall and meet Pepper behind the counter. She’s one of the more dependable waitresses at The Stop and has always been good to me.
“So how was the morning shift?”
She is wiping off the counter and finishes her last swipe before turning back to me. “Good. It was pretty busy, went by quick.”
Nodding my head, I’m hoping for the same thing tonight. When it’s busy, I’m able to keep my mind off things. Dutton mostly. He left the other day, and I could tell that he wanted to say something to me. I waited, already dreaming about everything I wanted him to say, but instead he just nodded his head and walked out the door. I watched him walk across the parking lot and get into his truck. I could have stood there all day if Alice hadn’t bumped me in the hip. “Don’t worry, he’ll eventually get his head out of his ass.”
I didn’t answer her. It seems Alice thinks that Dutton and I have a thing going on, and no matter how many times I tell her we don’t, she doesn’t believe me.
“So what are you up to this weekend?” Pepper interrupts my thoughts.
I barely resist rolling my eyes. She asks me this all the time, and I’m pretty sure she knows the answer by now. “Nothing. I’ll probably work. I’m sure Cheryl will call in at some point so I’ll be able to pick up another shift.”
“You work too much,” Pepper says. “You need to go out on a date or something. Men ask you out all the time. You should say yes. It’s not like you’re getting married or anything. It’s a date, that’s all.”
I do roll my eyes this time. “Yeah, I get asked out by truckers. Men passing through town. I don’t need to date anyone that’s just passing through. At this rate, I’ll probably be the last virgin in Sweetheart.”
Pepper looks at me with pity, and I hate that look. It’s time to get the focus off me so I ask her the same question. “What about you? What are you doing this weekend?”
She blushes. “I’m going to hang out with Sloan.”
Jealousy flares inside me. I know I shouldn’t. Pepper deserves to be happy, and it seems she’s found a good guy. “That’s great, Pepper.”
“Excuse me, can I get a refill?”
I look over at the table just a few feet away, and there’s a young handsome guy sitting there. I don’t know how I missed him before. My face heats. Surely he didn’t hear my admission to Pepper. The guy is smiling at me, and it seems innocent enough. At least he’s not laughing. “Sure, I’ll be right there.”
I turn back to Pepper. “See ya later, duty calls.”
Pepper flips her towel at me and hands me the ticket for the guy’s table. “Yep, I’m going to finish up. I’ll see you.”
I carry a pitcher of water over and refill the glass in front of him. “Can I get you anything else?”
“No. I’m good. They should be done with my car soon.”
He gestures out the window and there’s a guy changing a tire on a cherry red Mustang. Instantly, my thoughts go to the fact that this guy had to get someone else to change his tire. I’m sure Dutton has never had to get someone else to change his tire in his life. I shake my head. Quit comparing everyone to Dutton, Jane. He doesn’t want you. If he did, he would have asked you out by now.
“Well, good. I’m glad they were able to help you.” I set the ticket on the table in front of him. “Let me know if I can get you anything else.”
I turn to walk away, but he stops me. “Can I get your number?”
I know I look confused, and he laughs. “What?” I ask him, pretty sure I heard him wrong. I mean, I do get asked out, but never by someone my own age and definitely by someone that looks as if he walked out of GQ magazine.
“I’d like your number, Jane,” he says, looking at my name tag. “I’d like to take you out. How about tomorrow?”
I put my hand on my hip, pretty sure this is a joke. “Why do you want to go out with me?”
“Because you’re pretty. Because I heard you made the apple pie I just ate and it was the best I’ve ever eaten. Because you’re pretty.” As if I didn’t blush the first time he said it, I can feel the heat surge up my chest and face the second time.
“I don’t even know your name.”
He holds his hand out. “Martin Townsend. I’m a student at Cuyahoga Community College. My parents own the distillery in the next town over. Do you want a blood sample too?”
I laugh as I shake his hand. Normally, I would say no. It’s actually my first instinct to tell him no. But he’s charming and nice. And I know I can’t keep holding out for Dutton. Before I can talk myself out of it, I blurt out, “Yes.” Shaking my head, I take a deep breath. “I mean yeah, I would love to go out with you.”
He stands up, and I give him my number. He promises to call or text me later with the details. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He winks. He leaves money on the table, enough to cover his bill and leave a twenty-dollar tip. Pepper’s going to be excited about that, I’ll be sure to leave it for her since she was actually his waitress. I only refilled his drink.
I’m walking back to the counter just as Alice comes out of her office. She’s eyeing me, her head tilted to the side. “What’s that look? Is that a smile or a grimace? What is that?”
I feel like there’s a lead ball in my belly and already I’m second-guessing myself. But I don’t want to get into all of it with Alice, so I smile, making sure to let her think I am happy. “I have a date tomorrow.”
Alice’s face transforms in front of me. “What?”
I point out to Martin, who is talking to
the man by his car. “He asked me out.”
“Who is he?”
“Uh, his name is Martin. He goes to the community college in Steamsprings.”
Alice pats me on the back, but I can tell she’s not completely happy about the fact that I have a date. It’s probably because she’s always been protective of me, so I do my best to reassure her. “Don’t worry. He seems like a really nice guy and we’re just going to stick around town and I’ll make sure he takes me to a public place. It’ll be fine.”
“But Dutton…”
I hold my hand up to stop her. There’s no way I can keep holding back on my life because of Dutton. I want him—heck, I’d give anything to be going out on a date with him instead. But that’s not going to happen. “Dutton doesn’t want me. Heck, he barely talks to me when he’s here.”
Alice holds both her hands up. “Okay, okay. But you call me if he tries something.”
I pull Alice in for a hug. She is last person to appreciate any affection at all, but I can’t resist it. She’s meant more to me than anyone. She’s gone out of her way to make me feel like I have a family when I’ve had no one. “I love you, Alice.”
Her body is stiff against me, and I know it’s because she’s not used to hugs. But it doesn’t stop me, I just tighten my arms around her until I feel her arms go around me. “I love you, too, honey.”
I smile as I pull away. “Thank you, Alice.”
She pats me on the back and walks away, leaving me to wonder if I am indeed making the right decision or not. But Pepper’s words from earlier come back to me. It’s just a date. It’s not a big deal.