V Card Sweetheart (Sweetheart Colorado) Page 4
“Dutton, you didn’t have to get me flowers.”
“This is our first date, Jane. And I want it to be the first of many, so yeah, I definitely should have brought you flowers.”
She blushes prettily, and after I help her find a vase for her flowers, I take her out to my personal truck and drive toward Steamsprings. As soon as I get onto the highway she asks, “Where are we going?”
“I made reservations at Giovanni’s. I hope that’s okay.”
She doesn’t answer, and I look over at her. “We can go somewhere else if you want.”
She looks surprised. “No. I love Italian and I’ve never been there before. I’ve actually wanted to try it for a long time.”
The way she’s smiling at me, I would promise her anything at this point.
The restaurant is beautiful, but nowhere near as beautiful as Jane. She keeps fidgeting, telling me that she’s nervous and insecure, and it makes me hate her family even more than I already do. I may not know the whole situation, but according to Alice, Jane’s parents didn’t want anything to do with her.
“You look beautiful,” I tell her, hoping she can see how much I mean it.
She shakes the compliment off. “Thank you for bringing me here tonight.” She leans in and lowers her voice. “I wish this was my first date because already it’s a hundred times better than last night.”
I reach for her then because there’s no way I can resist. I wrap my hand around hers, and she smiles at me. “Last night doesn’t count. Forget about it, forget about him. This is your first date.” I don’t tell her, because I don’t want to freak her out, but if I have anything to do with it, I will be the only man she dates from here on out.
The waitress comes, and Jane is her usual friendly self. I can’t take my eyes off her as she orders her food and talks to the staff. Before I know it, the two women are talking about waiting tables and when Jane finds out it’s her first day on the job without a trainer, Jane tells her she’s doing a great job. That’s right, the woman hasn’t brought us drinks, bread or food yet, but Jane is already making her feel accomplished.
Fuck, she’s so good. Way too good for me. But knowing that just makes me want to be a better man.
She’s quiet and nervous through most of the meal. We laugh talking about Alice and how protective she is. She tells me about Cheryl and how she’s always having to cover shifts for her. She asks me about Dutton Trucking and how the move is going. I wait for her to ask me why I moved the company to Colorado, but she never does. We talk through almost the whole meal, and it only gives me further proof that Jane is who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I cross my arms on the table in front of me, no longer interested in the food. “If you could have anything right now, I mean ask for something and it be yours, what would it be?”
She puts her fork down and bites down on her lower lip. She’s thinking about it really hard, and I lean forward, excited to hear what she’s going to say.
I nod.
“Probably for Sam to have a house and maybe a job. I hate the thought of him being homeless.”
Stunned, I sit back in my seat and stare at her. If she could have anything in this world, she would want to take care of a homeless veteran before asking for anything for herself. Unconsciously, my hand goes to my chest and I rub right over my heart.
“No honey, for you, what would you want?”
She shakes her head, confused. “That is what I want.”
I reach across the table and take her hand in mine again. I made sure to set her across from me because I figured that was the only way I was going to keep my hands off of her, but even across the table seems to be too close. Her hand is small and soft compared to mine. It seems she’s my opposite in everything. “Okay, if you had to pick something for yourself. And it had to be for you. What would it be?”
This she doesn’t have to think about. She opens her mouth, and it’s on the tip of her tongue, but then closes her lips as if she’s about to give out a big secret or something. My curiosity is definitely piqued. “What is it?”
“Nothing,” she replies instantly.
I laugh then, because it seems that Jane doesn’t lie very well either. “No, it’s definitely something.”
She rolls her eyes. “I’m not going to say it. First of all, I’m sure it’s not something you say on a first date, and second of all, the last time I told someone this they told me I was trying to set women back fifty years.”
I’m about to ask her again when the waitress comes with the check. I settle the bill and help Jane from her seat and outside to my truck.
I no sooner turn over the ignition than she says to me. “Ya know, I’m sure Martin is not going to bother me, I should probably go home.”
I should confess, right here and now. That’s the right thing to do. I should let her know that I talked to Martin and he’s not going to be bothering her. But my mouth doesn’t seem to be on the same page as my head. “I know he’s not going to bother you, especially at my house.”
I keep my eyes on the road and press on the gas, as if getting her to my house faster will make her stay.
“Well, we should at least get my car. I have to go to work tomorrow and I can’t expect you to take me and pick me up. You have a business to run.”
I breathe easier with the fact that she gave up on having me take her home. “No, it’s no problem. I go right by there.”
“Yeah, but I work the afternoon shift.”
I just shrug. “It’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”
I don’t argue with him. I’ve already learned that Dutton is a man that says what he means and means what he says. If he says it’s not a big deal to take me to work and pick me up, well, I won’t argue with him. I mean it’s just tomorrow. I can get my car after work.
We get home, and I immediately start shaking my head. Get it together, Jane. This is not your home. Man, it would be so easy to stay right here with Dutton forever. Not that he’d want that. I still haven’t figured out why he says he wants to date me. I had figured he would hold my hand, kiss me or something. But besides in the restaurant, he’s kept his hands to himself.
We walk into the house, and I hang my purse and jacket up on the hook.
“So what’d you do while I was gone today?”
I look over my shoulder at him shyly. He told me to make myself at home and that’s what I did today. “I took a long bath in your huge tub and watched TV.” I clap my hands in front of me. “I literally did nothing, and it was the best thing ever.”
He’s smiling, so I’m guessing he’s not upset that I was lazy today. I swear it was the first restful day I’ve had in a long time.
He gestures to the couch. “You want to talk for a minute?”
I sit on the couch and pull my feet up underneath me, pulling a pillow off the back of the couch and wrapping my arms around it.
He sits down at the other end of the couch. “So what we were talking about earlier…”
I squeeze the pillow tighter. “I had hoped you forgot about that.”
He puts his arm along the back of the couch. “I don’t forget anything you say.”
“Well, I’d rather not tell you.”
“Why don’t you want to tell me?” he asks, almost like he’s offended.
I fidget my hands together. “Because, well, honestly, I’m not sure what you think about me now, but I’m sure you’ll look at me differently.”
“No I won’t. Trust me, nothing you can say is going to change what I think about you.”
I know I look skeptical. I really don’t want to tell him but also, he’s been so nice to me, I don’t want him to think I’m keeping something from him. “Okay, well, just remember I warned you.”
He nods his head, staring at me. He’s quiet, patiently waiting for me to start.
“If I could have anything I wanted, anything at all, I would be married and have kids. Oh I know, I should want a
career and to be able to stand on my own two feet, but I want a husband. I want a family. I want people in my life that are going to love me and I can love and we’d be there for each other no matter what. I’ve never had anything like that, and it’s what I want.”
His face softens, but he doesn’t say a word. He slides his arm along the back of the couch until he’s touching my shoulder. In a soft voice, he tells me, “I have no doubt that you’ll get exactly that.”
I lift my chin, trying to put on an air of confidence that I just don’t feel. “There’s one more thing that I want.”
“What…” He clears his throat. “What is it? What do you want?”
I make myself look at him. I want to hide my face and look away, but somehow I get the courage to look him in the eye when I make my request. “Dutton, uh, would you kiss me?”
He watches me closely, and I’m afraid he’s going to deny me. And then he stands up and moves closer to me, sitting down on the cushion right next to me. His muscled leg is pressed against my knees, and I lower one leg to the floor with the other bent between us.
His hand goes to my cheek, pulling my face up to look at him. He’s so big next to me, it makes me feel almost small and petite. His hand slides around my neck and pulls me forward. I lick my lips as he gets closer, and he’s watching me. Every move I make, his eyes are on me.
I put my hands to his chest right before our lips touch, holding him off. “Dutton…”
His thumb is pacing up and down the flesh of my neck, and I can feel my heart racing in my chest. “I may not be good at this.”
He shakes his head and smiles as if he doesn’t believe me. He doesn’t say a word, just leans forward and presses his hot, firm lips to mine. I expected a small kiss. I was hoping for a good one, but what he gives me is like nothing I’ve ever imagined. He devours me. Takes my breath and makes me feel whole. He pushes on my neck and angles my head, deepening our kiss. I moan, because how could I not, and he pushes his tongue between my lips. I give in to the urge to get closer and lean forward, swinging my leg across him in the process.
I’ve mounted him, my hot core pressed up against the bulge between his legs, but he doesn’t stop kissing me. It’s as if he can’t get enough. When I finally pull away, my chest is heaving, and my fingers are clenching the front of his shirt.
He’s staring back at me in a daze, as if he’s seeing me for the first time. Because I’m at a loss at what to do, I climb off his lap, wiping the wet moisture from my lips. “Thank you, Dutton. For the date and the kiss.”
I turn away quickly and almost run to the guestroom. It’s either that or stand there and ask him to take me to bed. I’d beg him if I had to. I have all these feelings, hot longing vibrations feathering through my body, and I don’t know what to do with them. It’s a new feeling but one that is welcome.
Fuck me. I’m not even sure what happened. One minute, Jane is innocently asking for a kiss and the next I’m violating her mouth in every way imaginable. And then she ran from me. Fuckin’ ran, like I’d scared her to death. It was too much too soon, and I knew she was innocent but how the hell should I have known that kissing her would be so explosive? I had to call on every restraint I had not to pick her up and carry her to my room with me.
Now here we are. She’s been quiet all morning, and I’m on my way to take her to work. A hundred times I’ve almost apologized, but I can’t bring myself to do it. I don’t want her to think I regret the kiss—fuck, that’s all I’ve thought about, and I’d give anything to feel her pressed against me one more time.
But I know I need to take it slow. Let her know I’ll wait. We can work on being friends and let the rest happen naturally. I’m not in any kind of rush. As long as she’s with me, I can wait to have her in my bed. I don’t want her to think that’s all I want from her, because it’s not. I want her love. I want her babies. I want it all.
“What time do you get off tonight?” I ask as she fidgets next to me.
“Probably around nine if it all works out. But I’m thinking that I can have Alice take me over to my apartment after work. You don’t have to pick me up.”
My jaw instantly flexes, and I try to soothe it out. Getting mad is not going to want her to stay with me, I know that. “Do you not like staying with me?”
I clench my hands on the steering wheel, waiting for her response. “It’s not that. It’s just, I mean, Martin is not going to come around. I’m fine. I should go home. And I have a car, I can drive myself.”
“I’ll get your car and take it to my house. I’m not trying to keep you prisoner or anything, Jane. I just want you with me. I would feel better about it if you’d stay with me.” I pause and when she doesn’t say anything, I push her further. “Will you please do this for me?”
She sighs, but finally gives in. “Okay.”
I pull into the parking lot of the diner. I want to take her in my arms and kiss her before she gets out, but I don’t. I keep my hands firmly around the wheel. “I’ll be back at nine.”
“I may be a little late.”
I just shake my head. She still doesn’t realize that I’ll wait for her as long as I have to. “I’ll come in for some apple pie.”
Finally, I get a smile. It’s no secret I love her pie.
“So how was work?” Dutton asks. He’s picked me up, just like he said he would. And I worked really hard to get out on time.
“Good. I worked with Alice, and since we weren’t that busy, she let me work in the kitchen most of the afternoon making desserts. And I saw Sam. I got him to eat, and he tried a few of my new recipes.”
“New recipes?” He interrupts. “I’d like to try some of your new recipes.”
I can’t keep the goofy smile off my face. “I thought you might. I brought you home one of each. A chess bar, an oatmeal raisin cookie, and a slice of blackberry pie.”
He rubs his big hand across his flat stomach. “Oh wow, I can’t wait. You’re going to make me fat, woman.”
I immediately jerk back. It’s probably the word fat. I’ve heard it all my life, and it’s an instinct I guess now, an automatic reaction at hearing it. I hate that word.
“What? What is it?” Dutton asks.
I shouldn’t be surprised that he notices. He seems to notice everything about me. “Nothing. It’s nothing.” And because I know him better now, I know he’s not going to let it go without me answering. “I just hate that word.”
His eyebrows dip over his nose. “What word?”
My nose scrunches up as if I hate even the taste of the word in my mouth. “Fat.”
He shakes his head. “I wasn’t…”
I laugh at the stricken look on his face. “I know. It’s my issue. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
He reaches across the console of the truck and holds my hand. “You’re beautiful, Jane.”
I’m not going to argue with him, so instead, I turn and watch out the window as the trees go by. Normally, I’d get completely lost in myself, but all I can think about is Dutton’s big hand wrapped around mine. It just feels right.
“My car,” I say, surprised. He had mentioned he was going to pick it up, and I completely forgot all about it.
“Yeah, I had a driver show up to get maintenance on one of my trucks so I had him help me get your car over here while the mechanic was working on it.”
“Well, I appreciate it. I bet you’re tired of driving me around.” I open the door and get out of the car. I’m happy my car is here, but of course I read too far into everything. Maybe he is sick of driving me around. Maybe I should go home.
He’s standing at the front of the car waiting for me. “I thought we’d make some popcorn and watch some TV. You up for that?”
I nod my head and start toward the house. “And hey, Jane,” I hear from behind me and I stop and turn around. He’s already right next to me.
“I have no problem dri
ving you around. I like it, actually.”
He’s not smiling or making fun of my insecurities; he’s just putting it out there like we’re talking about the weather. “I’m going to wash some of this grease off,” I tell him and walk toward the opposite side of the house to the guestroom before he says anything else. It’s so easy to like Dutton Cole. Way too easy.
I shower quickly and meet him in the living room. He’s changed into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, and he has a big bowl of popcorn with some sodas on the coffee table.
“What do you want to watch?”
“You pick.”
He shakes his head. “Nope. You choose either romance, action, comedy or thriller then I’ll pick a movie from that.”
He pulls up the remote and goes to an app and picks a recent comedy with one of my favorite actors in it. I sit back on the couch, and once he gets the movie going, he sits down right next to me.
He must feel me freeze next to him. “Is this too close?”
His thigh and leg are right against mine. I can feel the hair of his leg tickling my mine. Speechless, I just shake my head no and stuff some popcorn in my mouth.
The whole movie I sit next to him, waiting for a replay of last night. I want him to kiss me again, but the further we get into the movie, the more I come to realize that it’s likely not going to happen. I asked for it last night, but surely, I can’t ask again. I mean, if he wanted to kiss me, wouldn’t he just do it?
We talk through the movie. He tells me about the shop as he eats all three of the desserts I brought him home, moaning as he takes each bite. But still I wait in anticipation, hoping for him to hold my hand or something.
By the end of the movie, my mood is so low, I’m not even laughing at the funny parts anymore.
He elbows me softly in the side. “Hey, you okay?”
“Yeah, I think I’m just tired.”