V Card Sweetheart (Sweetheart Colorado) Read online

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  I stutter over the last words, knowing they’re the truth. Martin asked me out for the simple reason of wanting to have my virginity. He brought me to The Stop because he didn’t even want to be seen out in a nice restaurant with me. He’s not coming back.

  Dutton leans his head on the big steering wheel. His knuckles are white as his hands are wrapped tightly around the big leather covered wheel. “You’re not a joke.”

  I laugh then. Because I’m embarrassed, because I know I am a joke, I don’t know. But laughing seems to make this all easier to handle.

  “Do you trust me, Jane?”



  I hold my breath, waiting for her answer. I hope she trusts me. I haven’t given her any reason not to, and I would rather die than hurt her. But does she know that?

  She’s stopped laughing, but she hasn’t answered me. I lift my head from the wheel and look at her. “Do you trust me?” I ask again.

  She’s nodding her head.

  “I need to hear you say it.”

  She shrugs. “You’ve been coming in for months. You’ve left big tips for me when you knew I needed help. You enlisted Sam and it seems Alice to look out for me. You’ve been good to me all this time, even if you never really talked to me much. So yeah, I trust you, Dutton.”

  Well, it’s not a profession of love, but I’ll take it. It’s better than nothing, and I’m willing to take this as slowly as I need to. “I want you to stay with me.”

  She inhales deeply, and I know I’ve shocked her. “What? Why?”

  I put the truck into gear. I keep my voice balanced as if we’re talking about the weather instead of me moving her in with me. “So I know you’re okay. I don’t trust that stupid jock not to come back and mess with you. This way I can keep you safe.”

  “Dutton, listen.” The sound of my name on her lips does something to me, but I resist reaching between my legs and adjusting myself. I really don’t need to frighten her and have her jump out of the moving vehicle.

  “Are you listening to me?” she asks when I don’t respond.

  I pull out on the road, heading to her apartment building. “I’m listening.” I’m always listening to her.

  “I don’t know why you feel responsible for me, but you shouldn’t. I can take care of myself.”

  “I know you can take care of yourself. You’ve done it for a while now. And I don’t want to make you feel like I think you’re some child that needs looking out for. That’s not how I feel about you at all. I just need to do this.” I turn off the main road onto her street. When I get to her building, I park my truck at the side of the road. Even though I’m not pulling my trailer, I would still have a hard time pulling in and out of the tiny parking lot.

  She’s been staring out the window, and she seems shocked to find us at her place. “I thought you wanted me to go with you?”

  “I do. But I thought we would grab some of your clothes and things. That way you’ll have what you need.”

  She nods her head, and I’m still waiting for her to argue with me. Instead, she opens the door and climbs out of the truck. I do the same and walk up to her. She’s looking at me, and her next question catches me unprepared. “How’d you know where I lived?”

  I could lie to her. Or I could tell her the whole truth – that every time I’m in town I drive by her apartment to make sure she’s home safe. Instead, I tell her the partial truth. “Do you remember when you were having trouble with your landlord fixing your water pressure?”

  She nods, and her eyes go wide, no doubt wondering how I know that.

  “Well, I had asked Alice for your address then. I came and talked to your landlord and asked him to fix it.” Of course I had to do more than ask, but she doesn’t need to know all the details. Or the fact that I had security cameras installed at the entrance to the apartment building and better lighting in the parking lot either.

  “Why? I don’t understand.” She’s shaking her head and looks as if she doesn’t understand what’s happening, and I know I can’t tell her now. She’s obviously not ready to hear about my feelings for her, not after the night she’s had.

  “I’m your friend, Jane. I want to help you. Anything else we need to talk about we can do later or another day. Right now, I just want to get your stuff and get you home with me.”


  I know this is crazy. I know I should probably tell him no and leave him standing outside my apartment. I mean, I know him, but I don’t really know him. The only thing that is not allowing me to just tell him thanks but no thanks is the stupid feelings I’ve been harboring for Dutton since the first day I met him. He’s big and gruff, tells it like it is, but he’s also soft and caring and sweet. With a decision made, I mean what have I got to lose, I go into my apartment and pack a bag while Dutton stands in my living room. My apartment is small, but with him inside it, it feels even smaller.

  As I’m packing a few items from the bathroom, it hits me. Dutton doesn’t live here. I go out to the living room. “It makes more sense for us just to stay here instead of paying for a hotel. I mean I know it’s small, but…”

  He takes the bag from my hands. “I bought a house in Sweetheart, and there’s plenty of room.”

  I can’t hide the shock off my face if I tried. “You live here? But what about your business?”

  He grabs up both of the bags I have packed and stares down at me. “I moved my business here too. Well, I’m working on it. Remember the vacant lot off the interstate at Steamsprings?”

  “Yeah, but it’s not really vacant anymore, there’s a huge warehouse now.”

  He smiles. “Yeah, that’s mine. I tried to find something in Sweetheart, but it just made more sense to have it in a bigger city. But my house is here.”

  I hold my hands together in front of me and try to not to let my shock be heard in my voice. “I didn’t know you were moving to Sweetheart,” I say to him calmly, but on the inside, my heart is racing. I want to ask him why he’s moving to Sweetheart, but I’m afraid to. No, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Don’t get your hopes up, Jane.

  He moves one of the bags over to his other hand, holding both of them with one arm like they weigh nothing. With his free hand, he cups my face, his thumb moving slowly across my jaw. My body trembles at his touch. “There’s so much you don’t know about me, but we don’t have to rush it. Just know that I’ll never hurt you. I’m here for you, and I just want to keep you close and know you’re safe.”

  “Because of Martin?” I ask with bated breath. I don’t know what I expect. I’m probably hoping that he’s going to confess his undying love to me or something, and even though I know it’s not going to happen, I ask anyway.

  He nods his head. “Because of Martin, but also because I need you safe.”

  I could ask more questions. But I don’t. Not yet. With a nod of my head, I tell him, “I’m ready.”



  It feels like a weight has been lifted when I park in my driveway and help Jane out of the truck. I unlock and open the door, motioning her inside. I bought this house because the first time I saw it, I could see Jane and me raising a family here. I hold my breath as she walks in, hoping she likes it.

  I try to look at it from her perspective. The walls are bare, and there is minimal furniture, but I thought I had more time. Her going out with another man tonight definitely pushed things along quicker than I had prepared for. But I don’t care. I can make it work.

  “I know it needs work,” I start.

  She turns, her mouth wide open. “Are you kidding? This is beautiful.”

  I can literally feel my heart beating against the walls of my chest. Her smiling at me the way she is, knowing she likes the house, is everything to me. “Well, it needs rugs, pictures, more furniture… well, everything really.”

  I set her bags down in the living room and walk her around the four-bedroom rancher. It’s all one level with the living room, kitchen and dining ro
om splitting the master bedroom from the other three bedrooms. When I get to the master bedroom, I can tell she’s shocked when I show her the small nursery that is connected to it.

  “Uh, wow, this is amazing, Dutton. It’s like a dream house.”

  I put my hands in my pockets to stop from reaching for her. “You really like it?”

  She laughs then. “Who wouldn’t?”

  She’s staring at the door of the nursery almost wistfully. “Maybe you can help me decorate it while you’re here.”

  Her face falls at that, but before I can ask her about it, she starts walking out the bedroom door. “Do you mind if I shower?”

  She’s already grabbing her bags, rushing to the other side of the house so I know she needs a minute. “Sure, take any bedroom you want.”

  She disappears down the hall, and I fall back into the couch. I’m worn out. Driving straight through from Tennessee was a stupid thing to do, but there’s no way I could have stopped. It should be so easy for me to dose off right now, but I can’t. The fact that Jane is here, in my house, finally makes me believe that everything I want – a life with Jane – is within reach.

  It isn’t long before she’s back in the living room. I look at her under hooded eyes. She’s in an oversized T-shirt and shorts, and her wet hair is hanging off her shoulders. She looks beautiful.

  She walks gingerly to the couch and sits on the far end, tucking her feet underneath her. I don’t dare move because I don’t want to scare her.

  “Dutton,” she whispers, no doubt wondering if I’m asleep.

  “Yeah, baby?” The endearment rolls off my tongue without thought, and I watch her to see her reaction.

  She bites her lip, and I would give anything to reach over and pull her into my lap. Wrapping her arms around her legs, she looks at me. “I just wanted to thank you. I’ve never had anyone – well, Alice has looked out for me – but I mean, I appreciate you helping me tonight.”

  “I’ll always help you,” I tell her honestly.

  She starts to fidget, and I know she has something on her mind. “Go ahead, you can ask me anything.”

  “Uh, okay, I’m just wondering why.”

  “Why am I helping you?” She’s staring at me and when she nods, I turn on the couch so that I’m facing her. I had hoped to have more time, get everything ready, but she’s here now, and I’m not going to let the opportunity pass me by. “I like you, Jane. I have since the first time I walked into The Stop.”

  “But why? I mean none of this makes sense. I swear I feel like this is a joke or something.”

  I hate that she feels that way because to me, it’s easy to see why anyone could fall in love with her. But she looks at me with so much doubt, I know anything I say she’s not going to fully believe. “This is no joke. First, I’m going to take care of Martin. Next, we’re going to get to know one another. You don’t have to decide anything tonight. We’ve got time.”

  I try to soothe her but honestly, I want to get up throw her over my shoulder and demand that she choose me to spend the rest of her life with. But I can’t. She’s young, she’s a virgin, and it seems like she’s been messed with her whole life. I’m going to wait until she trusts me. Even if it kills me. I pick up the remote. “C’mon, let’s watch TV. You don’t need to worry about anything tonight.”


  A loud groan sounds right next to my ear, and my eyes fly open. At first, I’m freaked out because I have no idea where I am or why I feel like I’m being smothered under a big, hard, furnace. I move just a little, and the same low, growly sound surrounds me.

  Dutton. I’m lying in Dutton’s bed, right next to him. His arms and legs are wrapped around me, and I don’t dare move again. Oh my God, I scream in my head. Surely to goodness, I didn’t come to his room instead of mine last night. He’s going to think I’m crazy. The poor man offers to help me and I force my way into his bed.

  I reach my arm out and wrap my hand around the edge. I try to pull myself to the side, but his hold tightens on me.

  “It’s too early,” he says, and I swear I can feel his hot breath on my neck.

  My whole body freezes. I don’t even breathe. “I’m sorry. Gah, I’m so sorry. I have no idea how I got in here.” I clench my eyes tightly as if I can almost wish my way out of here. This is so embarrassing.

  His hold loosens, but he doesn’t completely let me go. The bed dips as he raises up, pushing me to my back and hovering over me. He’s big and completely surrounding me, but I’m not scared.

  “I know how you got in here. You fell asleep on the couch and I brought you in here.”

  I look back at him in shock. “What? But why?”

  “Because I wanted you in my bed,” he says and then as an afterthought, he adds, “Nothing happened. I would never take advantage of you, Jane.”

  “I know. I mean, I didn’t think…” I try to look anywhere but at him, but he moves so that I have to look at him. How in the heck can he look this good in the morning? I’m sure I’m a mess, but I can’t stop staring back at him.

  I relax a little underneath of him, but with the way I move, I instantly feel a hardness pressing into my belly. I shrink into the bed, trying my best to get away from it. My face flames, and because I’m freaking out, I push him off me and climb from the bed.

  I’m panting, as if I’ve been running a mile. I cross my arms over my chest. “I should probably go home.”

  He slides to the edge of the bed and sits up. He’s facing me, his naked chest on full display. His chest and arms are covered in tattoos, making him look harder than the sweet man I know. There’s a little smattering of hair, and he obviously works out by the muscles in his abs and arms. “I didn’t mean to freak you out.”

  He holds his hands out toward me. “I’m sorry, I should have taken you to the guestroom, but I couldn’t resist lying next to you, with you tucked against me.”

  My gaze drags down his body, and I swear his penis, which is covered only by a thin pair of shorts, twitches when I look at it. I know my eyes go wide as saucers, and I turn around because that’s the only way I’m going to be able to stop myself from looking at that.

  I hear him stand up, and he moves behind me. He’s not touching me, but he might as well be because I can feel the hot heat from his body. “I’m sorry. I won’t touch you again. Not until you ask me to.”

  I drop my head. He has to think I’m a freak.

  “Jane, look at me.” And when I don’t move, he lowers his voice. “Please?”

  With my eyes trained up on the ceiling, I turn around. I know if I look any lower, I’ll be looking right at the impressive bulge between his legs.

  “Please look at me,” he says again.

  I lower my eyes, knowing I look ridiculous. My head’s all angled weird so I’m looking into his eyes, but there’s no chance I will be caught looking between his legs.

  The sincere look on his face catches me off guard. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have taken you to my bed, not without your permission. But I promise you, nothing happened.”

  He looks so wary and upset, I know I need to explain. “I’ve never, uh…”

  “I know you’re a virgin, Jane.”

  I shake my head, totally mortified. “It’s not just that. I’ve never even kissed a man before. I know I’m being absurd.”

  “No, you’re not.” He takes a step closer. “But can I ask you something?”

  I nod my head.

  “I know all this is new to you, and I didn’t mean to freak you out, but I have to know. Is it me?”

  “What do you mean? Is what you?”

  “Are you, uh, reacting this way because you don’t like me? Because if that’s the case, I’ll back off. It will kill me, but I’m not going to push something on you that you don’t want.”

  He looks guarded, and I can’t even begin to try and understand this all. The only way I know how to handle it is to be honest and upfront with him. “If anyone else had asked to take me home with them,
I would have told them no. I said yes to you because I like you and trust you, even if I don’t know you that well. So it’s not you. I would give anything to be able to wake up next to you and not freak out, but well, I did, because I’m not good at this. You honestly should be kicking me out about right now.”

  His face softens, and he smiles at me. He lifts his arm like he’s going to reach for me, but at the last minute he lets it drop back at his side. “Do you work tonight?”

  I’m surprised by the swift change of topic, but I answer him anyway. “No. Well, I’m not scheduled to, but if Cheryl calls in, which she’s likely to do, I’ll have to go in.”

  He’s nodding his head. “Go out to dinner with me tonight?”


  “It’s a date, Jane. I want to date you.”



  As soon as she said yes, I made sure she had everything she needed and disappeared with the promise I would be back to get her for dinner. I knew she needed time to process everything. Her mind is working double time and I know she’s stressed out – and that’s the last thing I want. I worked outside, went to the shop in Steamsprings and stopped by the college to talk to Martin- his cherry red Mustang was easy to find. I know without a shadow of a doubt he won’t be messing with Jane anymore. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to let her go back to her apartment. I’m finally making leeway with her, and there’s nothing that is going to come between us now.

  I arrive back at the house in time to shower and get ready. She is still in her bedroom, so I grab the flowers from my truck and go back to the front door and ring the bell.

  A few seconds goes by, and she opens it.

  Right then, I knew I did the right thing. Her lips raise in the biggest smile I’ve ever seen, and she breathes my name softly as I hand the flowers to her.

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